نتواصل لأجل أطفال سعداء
We Communicate For Happy Children

ANECD was established as an initiative by the Arab Resource Collective (ARC) who works through its partners in Lebanon and the Arab world, works to produce knowledge; where in addition to producing resources such as training technical guides and specialised books, it conducts evidence research and designs and implements capacity-building programs for caregivers and workers in the fields of early childhood and mental health.

While ARC focuses on producing content on early childhood and mental health, piloting innovative approaches and methodologies for scientific evidence, and direct implementation based on the Holistic, Integrative, Inclusive, Participatory, and Empower- ing Approach, ANECD focuses on coordination, dissemination and distribution of evidence-based resources and programmes, advocacy and policy impact.

ARC now hosts ANECD in its office in Beirut, where they both work under the supervision of a management team and a technical support team that supports the programs and initiatives coordinators.

Our Programs


The Arab Resource Collective developed the “Health, Early Learning, Protection, Parenting Protection for Young Children” (HEPPP) in 2012. HEPPP is an innovative, holistic, integrated, inclusive, evidence-based program designed to support fathers and mothers together as a unit throughout their parenting journey with their children under the age of 8.
The program provides a framework of concepts, knowledge, and activities that help develop parents’ practices in raising children and it consists of 38 digital topics/sessions related to issues concerning parents of young children, divided into four primary axes:
Responsive Parenting
(20 sessions)
Early Learning
(6 sessions)
Mental Health of caregivers
(6 sessions)
Young children’s mental health sessions directed to caregivers
(6 sessions)


Urjouha” (Swing in Arabic) is an educational online platform launched to support Arabic speaking parents and caregivers from pregnancy until age eight and accompany them in their parenting journey. It creates its content exclusively in Arabic and produces it in visual, audio, and written forms. It shares its articles through its website and daily posts on social media platforms. It covers several topics intended to cover the most needs: pregnancy, breastfeeding, psychological health, physical health, nutrition, early learning, special learning needs, and responsive parenting.

Urjouha Library:
The Urjouha Library was launched through the Urjouha website in December 2023. It is an Arabic, free, and open-source library directed to parents. The Urjouha Library contains three main sections:

A story library for children with around 100 digital stories (video and audio). The library has categorised the stories according to the topics addressed in them.
A music library that includes around 100 children’s songs and theatrical songs for children from the plays of the Lebanese Puppet Theater/Khayal
(Imagination in Arabic)
A video library that uses whiteboard videos as a presentation and simulation method.


Nawwara MHPSS Website supports professionals, frontliners, caregivers, and anyone interested in MHPSS, believing everyone should be able to reach accessible, valid, and contextualized resources and benefit from peer support on the MHPSS level. One of the current initiatives of this website targets the Early Childhood Workforce by providing a 10-session (online and mentored) MHPSS curriculum for ECD frontliners and focusing on their mental health & well-being with a psycho-social support component.

Science of Early Childhood Development Training course:

The Arab Resource Collective translated and contextualized the “Science of Early Childhood Development Course” (SECD). The course is a new training curriculum on the sciences of early childhood development taken from broader material produced by the Red River College in Canada (RRC), which developed an “international” version of the SECDc in cooperation with The Agha Khan Foundation (AKDN).
The course comprises five modules: Brain Development, Coping and Competence, Communication and Learning, The Ecology of Childhood, and Developmental Health. Each Module includes scientific and experimental material presented in written texts; Filmed interviews with specialists that demonstrate the scientific and empirical foundations on which concepts and knowledge are based; activities to be used by the facilitator to stimulate the interaction between trainees and boost their knowledge; and useful annexes for distribution on participants.