نتواصل لأجل أطفال سعداء
We Communicate For Happy Children

Arab Working Group for Early Childhood Research


The establishment of the research working group by the Arab Network arises from a belief in the importance of investing in high-quality research on early childhood. This is aimed at informing policies and practices and leading progress in this field. The Arab Network is committed to further research within Arab countries across various intervention areas. Through the research working group, the Arab Network aims to connect and empower researchers in the field of early childhood. They work on knowledge production and exchange at both regional and international levels. The research working group consists of 20 members from various Arab countries, including researchers, experts, and specialists in early childhood from Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Palestine, Morocco, and Tunisia, alongside international experts.


Working  Group Objectives:

  • Establishing a central entity to connect researchers in the Arab region to support the production of knowledge related to early childhood in Arabic.
  • Supporting and participating in research conducted by the Arab Network for Early Childhood.
  • Coordinating and organizing various research activities that can help improve outcomes for young children in the Arab region.
  • Creating a forum for researchers to share and disseminate existing research on early childhood topics in Arab countries, and providing a space to discuss challenges related to the development of early childhood sectors and contribute to making decisions and recommendations aimed at improving the situation in the region.
  • Enriching the database on the website of the Arab Network for Early Childhood with resources (books, research articles, reports, etc.) published in Arab countries about early childhood.
  • Accessing various local communities and conducting studies in different contexts within Arab countries.
  • Proposing research topics and fundraising for their implementation.
  • Advocating for projects and disseminating research projects' results and recommendations through the networking platform for researchers.
Arab Working Group for Early Childhood Research Members
Dr Ali Shaar
Dr Sabri Siha
Dr Anis Houroub
Dr Abdalla Omara
Dr Ali Alaimat
Dr Asmaa Al Khatib
Dr Amur Mohamed Amur
Sultanate of Oman
Dr Bouchra Kaddoura
Dr Booad Khales
Dr Basma Faour
Dr Elham Nasser
Dr Fadia Hoteit
Dr Fatima Ez Zahra Monsef
Dr Fathi Ahmadieh
Dr Hiam Lotfi
Dr Mohammad Matar
Dr May Sultan
Dr Nizar Fares
Dr Nael Alami
Dr Najat Al Fakih