نتواصل لأجل أطفال سعداء
We Communicate For Happy Children

Children of Lebanon in the Crosshairs of Food Insecurity:

A warning coming true

In Lebanon, one of four children under the age of five suffers from severe food insecurity. The deteriorating health and hospital systems and the meager provision of health insurance for individuals and families further exacerbate the situation.

The Global Dialogue on the Early Childhood Workforce

Since 2016, 'The Early Childhood Workforce Initiative' has been working tirelessly to strengthen workforce policies, enhance professionalism, and integrate well-being into early childhood workforce development.

The New Ecology of Early Childhood Development:

An International Perspective

The Stanford Center on Early Childhood published a study titled "The New Ecology of Early Childhood: Revisiting Bronfenbrenner’s Theory in the Context of Contemporary Challenges and Opportunities". While the study focuses on the United States, Dr. Lombardi, one of its co-authors, provided ANECD with an introduction offering an international perspective.

Arab Country Profiles


ANECD’s Webinar on the Early Childhood Workforce

The Arab Network for Early Childhood (ANECD) hosted a webinar in partnership with the Early Childhood Workforce Initiative (ECWI) titled "Initiatives to Support the Early Childhood Workforce" on July 27th, 2023. The event featured the participation of the International Step by Step Association (ISSA), which co-founded the initiative with the Results for Development (R4D) Foundation, as well as the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Center for Lebanese Studies (CLS).

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