نتواصل لأجل أطفال سعداء
We Communicate For Happy Children

ECD in Crises


The Arab region is considered one of the most vulnerable to global crises, whether they are economic, social, political, security, environmental, or even natural disasters. Young children, especially those from marginalized groups, are the most susceptible to the effects of these disasters and crises. They grow up in fragile environments due to wars, epidemics, natural disasters, and economic crises. In the "Arab Network for Early Childhood", we view crises as transcending borders, with a focus on Arab countries that share many characteristics and challenges despite their diverse contexts. Despite the potential of Early Childhood Development programs to mitigate these negative consequences, millions of children in several Arab countries are still deprived of their basic rights, including healthcare, education, food security, adequate housing, and mental health. What is the situation of Early Childhood during crises? Who ensures a dignified life for children? In our new blog post, we answer these questions and more, as we discuss the impact of crises and emergencies on early childhood through writings by experts from different parts of the Arab region. Early Childhood issues are not exclusive to a particular group; they concern all of us, whether we are directly involved or not. Investing in the early years of a child is essential for creating effective human capital in the future. Read along to stay informed on everything related to Early Childhood during crises.